Our Chinese Butterflies

Our Chinese Butterflies

Fristoe family

Fristoe family
Our family waiting on Prudence and ?????!

Monday, September 22, 2014


We have been chosen as a 5/5/5 family for the month of October. 
Don't know what 5/5/5 is???
Check out this blog: 
She does an amazing job explaining it all.  You will be helping the following families bring home their beautiful children.

Meet the Averett family.

The Averett family recently adopted an amazing little boy with Down Syndrome that they found on Reece’s Rainbow (Percy on RR) and are now adding to lifes adventure by adopting Leandra and Andy. They always knew th...ey wanted a large family. They are an active family and have many passions and hobbies and do everything together. Their youngest son with Down Syndrome has lightened their lives and has brought more happiness and laughter to the family than they ever could have imagined. After finding and donating to Leandras Angel Tree Grant they knew that she too belonged in their family and they started another adoption journey.

Photo: Meet the Averett family. 

The Averett family recently adopted an amazing little boy with Down Syndrome that they found on Reece’s Rainbow (Percy on RR) and are now adding to lifes adventure by adopting Leandra and Andy. They always knew they wanted a large family.  They are an active family and have many passions and hobbies and do everything together. Their youngest son with Down Syndrome has lightened their lives and has brought more happiness and laughter to the family than they ever could have imagined. After finding and donating to Leandras Angel Tree Grant they knew that she too belonged in their family and they started another adoption journey.
Leandra (1)

The Lee Family.

We are the Lee Family adopting 2 children from China! We can not wait to bring our newest daughter (9yrs) and son(5yrs) home to join our already adventurous family! We are in the beginning stages of o...ur LOA wait, but excited that this is our last longest wait. You always hear it takes a Village and starting the adoption journey proves that theory right! Please join in our families village to bring our children home!


Photo: Meet family number 2. The Lee Family. 

We are the Lee Family adopting 2 children from China! We can not wait to bring our newest daughter (9yrs) and son(5yrs) home to join our already adventurous family! We are in the beginning stages of our LOA wait, but excited that this is our last longest wait. You always hear it takes a Village and starting the adoption journey proves that theory right!  Please join in our families village to bring our children home!

Phineas    Lee

The Duvall family: 
Photo: Meet the Duvall family. This month's first family.
The Fristoe family
We are a family of 7 waiting on number 8. Elizabeth is 13 1/2 years old and will age out on Dec.1, 2014. This will be our second adoption from China, but first teenager. We are looking forward to this new adventure and are currently waiting on our LOA. We are currently decorating her room, deciding on her American name and trying to patiently wait for her to get here.
Elizabeth (1)
The Barrett Family

July 31 2014c

The 5/5/5 donation button is to the left of this post. 


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