Our Chinese Butterflies

Our Chinese Butterflies

Fristoe family

Fristoe family
Our family waiting on Prudence and ?????!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prayer Request

There are many other people/families that need prayer, probably worse than I do, but I am becoming very lost.  I have been trying to come up with ways to earn the $3000.00 we need to buy our home study's freedom, so it can be sent on to immigration.  My last 3 fundraisers have been FLOPS!!!!  So, here I am now, discouraged and wondering if we should even be doing this.

I know in my heart this is what the Lord wants from us, but did He mean right now??  I am beginning to wonder.  I have been praying very hard the last few days, mostly for others, whom I feel need it more then we do.  Please pray for Lisa Aspin Warner Family, they are stuck in the Ukraine with their new son Joshua, who may or may not have TB.  Let's pray it is simply pneumonia and they will soon be allowed to come home.  Please pray for her family as they deal with the unexpected loss of her older sister.  Also, for her mother, whom is caring for her young son, while she is in the Ukraine.  Pray for the orphans that are awaiting there families and for those whom have no one yet.  Pray that their families will come forward and the finances will be available for them.

I am not good at asking for help, but I am in need.  I need strength and guidance.  I need to remember where I am headed and how to get there.  I have a garage and bake sale planned, please pray that I will have a good turn out and the stuff will sell.  Anne is trying very hard to help me earn money and we are going to try a 6-day Thirty-one Fundraiser sale, pray that it will do well.  Pray that everything I listed on Craig,s list will sell.  Pray that I will remain focus on our Lord and know that He will provide for us.  Pray for Little Flower, the healing home where Clare lives.  Pray that Clare will stay healthy while she waits on us to come and get her.  Finally, pray that we are able to ransom our final copy of our home study, get through immigration, and get our dossier to China by November 4th, 2011.  That is our cut off of when we must have our dossier to China or lose Clare.

Please pray!!

Thank you,


1 comment:

  1. Suzanne, when my cousin was adopting their little girl, they had 2 bake sales in front of Walmart. One they raised $1,300 dollars, the other they raised about the same amt. People in their church donated the baked goods. They had an empty pickle jar on the table for people to put change into as they passed by. The lady helping them (she raises funds for charities) told them to set the jar out with a few dollars and some change already in it to make it look like people had already donated, she said this spurred people to donate. She was right, I was amazed how many people would drop their loose change in the jar when coming out of the store. The fudge sold out quick, as did the brownies. They had a table at both entrances of Walmart. They had a photo of their daughter with an explanation about her on the table. I would not have believed they would have made so much if I had not see it for myself. I don't know where you live, but bakesales are big here.
